Plans to build three new houses and two new flats in Sidmouth High Street has been withdrawn.

Sidmouth Housewares submitted planning application 23/0630/FUL to knock down the single -storey rear extension of the shop and build three new houses and two flats it.

The application received 13 comments on its application page on the EDDC website; seven in support, and six objects. 

Sid Vale Association commented on the plans saying: "It is an over-development of the site and that it would cause the closure of the existing hardware shop with the net loss of 520 sq metres (5,596 sq ft) of retail space providing an important and unique service to local residents."

Mr M Gliddon said: "I support the application, currently the exciting building is very unattractive and out of character with the town. To have much-needed smaller houses and flats with parking in town would be I see only beneficial to the town's shops and business."

A planning application was submitted in 2019 to knock down the shop extension and build seven two-storey houses above.’ This was refused.

The officer said at the time: "The design, scale and layout of the development by virtue of its poor relationship with the buildings on Fore Street, the wide span of the roof and the pastiche design of the elevations would be unsympathetic to the prevailing character of the Sidmouth Town Centre Conservation Area and the setting of an adjacent listed building.

"The site also lies in flood zone 2 and partly in flood zone 3. The sequential approach to flood risk aims to steer new development to areas with the lowest probability of flooding and in this case there are sites available elsewhere in the district that are suitable for new dwellings and at a lower risk of flooding."

The applicant would knock the extension of the shop down and build three, three storey houses on land that is currently the car park for Sidmouth Housewares.

The three new houses would each have two bedrooms, a parking space and a private garden. 

The applicant says the new buildings will be 'inkeeping' with the current houses on Russell Street, Sidmouth, overlooking the EDDC-run car park.