David Hancock from Newton Poppleford has raised an incredible amount of money for local end of life charity Hospiscare.

David and his wife Ros started fundraising over 20 years ago, with Ros organising coffee mornings and tabletop sales in the local village Hall. Ros sadly passed away in Dec 2020 and David continues to fundraise. David regularly visits the Hospiscare Warehouse on Marsh Barton and collects items, as well as donated items from friends and neighbours.  

Toni Hiscocks area fundraiser said: “David continues to go above and beyond for Hospiscare selling items all weather, he is a great advocate and incredible giving person.  It's thanks to our supporters like David that we can continue to provide our specialist services and make a difference I our local community, we are incredibly grateful for his ongoing commitment, it means such a lot to everyone at Hospiscare our patients, their families and all the staff who care for them, thank you David, you are one in a million."

Hospiscare are a local independent charity looking after local people in Exeter, Mid and East Devon.

Their community services are free and our 12 bed ward at Searle House offers 24-hour specialist care for people needing specialist symptom control and end of life care 24/7 365 days a year.

They aren't part of the NHS, they receive 18% funding from the government, the rest is raised by the support of the community.

They don’t just look after people with cancer diagnosis, we look after anyone over the age of 18 with a terminal diagnosis who needs specialist end-of-life care.

Hospiscare have been working closely with our NHS community colleagues to provide expertise and support for those patients with complex, specialist palliative care needs. Everyday matters when you have a life-limiting illness.

Hospiscare services are there for anyone needing the specialist services, we are currently working closely with Exeter Prison & St Petrock’s with those who are homeless.